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Welcome our best friends

Typically, my response to being around animals is wide eyes and hushed excitement. First trying to get them to play, then flustering around trying to get a decent shot - but they are always moving.

However, when they're feeling chill, sleeping, stopping to stare at something, they make great subjects for photos! Meet Teddy, the pug who loves his all-day-naps more than anything except food. Dark coats like his are wonderful for deep, brooding, high contrast photos.

Another sleepy pup, feeling so done with work at the end of a long day at his dog café. Lots of space around allows his soft coat to blend and focuses on the quietness of his peaceful expression. You deserve that snooze little one!

I'm equally a cat and dog person, as long as neither try to scratch me. Here are some fun shots with...

Playing kitties,

Sleeping kitties,

Pensive kitties,

And just weird kitties. Gotta love them all.

Also, check out this lovely red panda at the River Safari (Singapore). He has the sweetest furry face and the softest bushy tail!

Animals aren't the easiest thing to shoot, but it's so satisfying when you get a nice one! 90% of the fun is probably in the interaction with them. Sometimes a silly smile from a furry friend is all we really need in life!

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